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Oil on linen, 22 x30 inches, framed in a gold floating frame

Artist's studio



About this oil:

This was begun as a painting outdoors on the California coast back when I was living south of San Francisco. Another painter called me about doing some paintings along the coast and on a whim, we were off and at it, heading south.


I was really taken by the many ocean cliffs between Santa Cruz and San Francisco and once at this spot, we set up to see what we could do.


Everything in this painting is arranged to accentuate the cliffs and the cool color combinations that make up the shadows. All of the rock forms have the feeling of mass and they are contrasted against the light filled sky and water.


I was able to capture much of that on site, despite the prevailing winds rocking the easel and me!


Once I was back in the calm of my studio, I could focus on the nuances of this piece. More color combinations were put in and a lot of care was taken to create a glow everywhere, adding life to every part. The cliffs have a real presence here, insisting on that position out in the ocean.

Persistent Cliffs, oil on linen, 22 x 30 inches


    Castle Rock, CO
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