Oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches
Private collection
My thanks to the collector of this oil.
About this oil:
This oil is all about light and the lack of it. As this piece developed over a couple of months I was constantly making adjustments, all with the idea of promoting all of those bright colors in the sky and in the ribbon of water below.
It sounds simple enough. But once I got into it, another problem had been created, and that was adjusting the darker colors in the trees and grassy area below. There is a quantity of light in all of those spaces and it changes with a proximity to the sunlight. The colors are changing as well and that is where the fun began.
Over the course of the five months to complete this piece, I declared it finished a number of times, only to revisit it the next day and realize it could use a bit more help. I always have a number of canvases in progress, so this one was put aside for a time and revisited days or weeks later.
All of that waiting time was helpful and it allowed more ideas and solutions to come forward, particularly in the last two sessions this week. It was finally finished last night – well almost. With just a few more tweaks this morning the oil was ready to leave the studio.
I will miss having that glowing scene around.
