Yellows Beyond the Water, oil on canvas, 40 x 40 inches
Exhibiting: Dominique Boisjoli Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM
$6650 framed
It’s a common occurrence among artists that someone will ask you, “How long did it take to make that painting?” It’s a good way to start a conversation since the person doing the asking can’t be expected to ask technical questions that are outside their experience. The best answer is that it varies.
In this case, my answer would be that it took me 3 years to the month to complete this one. There are other works in the studio that have been around for a similar length of time, but I’m not bothered by the slow progress. At any time in the studio I have over a dozen works in progress with each one moving at their own speed and path toward completion. Fortunately, most of the oils finish in 1-3 months.
Walking into the studio is like going to school every day where there are lots of problems to be solved and this painting certainly had it's share. I keep a photo record how these works evolve and for this oil there were 6 different variations before this 7th idea provided a good solution.
As I worked on it, the yellows began to take over and became the main color. This shift helped reveal the shapes and patterns within the painting, making them glow beautifully. The years- long process allowed me to discover and refine the artwork in ways I hadn’t anticipated.
